• Webpack – Build script Optimise

    These are few tips on improving webpack performance. CSS Loaders In this configuration, webpack won’t need to scan the entire node_modules for css files because we know that only component-library-1 and component-library-2 packages would contain css files. This helps us in saving a little bit of time. Thse will be added as PostCSS plugins. When webpack processes a .css file,… Continue reading

  • Why publish code in a pacakge

    In the world of software development, code organization is key. One popular method of organizing code is through the use of packages. Publishing code in a package can also help with code reuse and consistency, which can be useful for organizations that have a lot of common functionality used across multiple projects. While packages offer… Continue reading

  • The arrival of ECMAScript’s ES2024

    The release ES6 came six years after its predecessor, ES5 overwhelming Browser vendors and JavaScript developers alike. To support the vendors during the interim, tactical solutions like the Polyfills as well as babel transpilers forayed into the JS world. To prevent big band releases like this, new features have a yearly release cycle now. ES2023 – #! JavaScript… Continue reading

  • 10 Mental Models to apply at engineering practices

    Inspired by: By applying these examples of principles to your front-end development work, you’ll develop a more strategic and thoughtful approach that leads to better user experiences and more effective solutions. You’ll be able to approach your projects more thoughtfully, make better design decisions, and create more efficient and effective user experiences. First Principle… Continue reading

  • React – Brief overview about Tree Walking

    The “tree walking algorithm” typically refers to the process of navigating and manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) tree. The DOM represents the structure of an HTML document as a tree, where each element (e.g., HTML tags) is a node in the tree. Modern web development often utilizes more efficient and1 specialized methods to interact… Continue reading

  • Streaming your HTMLs

    Streaming HTML to the browser can significantly improve the initial loading time and user experience of your web application. Traditionally, the entire HTML content is generated on the server and sent as a complete document to the client’s browser, which may result in longer loading times for large pages. Streaming HTML allows you to send… Continue reading

  • ESX – 2015 onwards

    ECMAScript 6 (ES6) was the major update to JavaScript released in 2015. It introduced a plethora of new features and syntax improvements to the language. Here are some of the notable JavaScript features that were introduced with ECMAScript 6 and didn’t exist before 2015: JavaScript is an evolving language, and since 2015, there have been… Continue reading

  • Promise Retry Design Patterns

    Edit Code for #1. Keeps on retrying until promise resolves (any improvements community for the language etc?) Use This code defines a custom implementation of a retry mechanism for Promises in JavaScript. The purpose of this code is to retry a given function fn multiple times with a specified delay between each attempt. The goal… Continue reading

  • unpkg vs vite vs webpack

    Unpkg, Vite, and Webpack are all tools that serve different purposes in front-end web development. Unpkg is a fast, global content delivery network (CDN) for serving files directly from npm packages. It’s primarily used for quickly adding a package’s files to a web page or application without having to download and host them locally. If… Continue reading

  • JIRA ticketer

    Let’s reate a Microsoft Teams chatbot which can be used to select a line of chat and use the JIRA REST API to create a ticket and fill in details automatically. Here’s an example of how you can create a Microsoft Teams chatbot using Node.js and the JIRA REST API to create a ticket automatically:… Continue reading

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