• System Design – Creating a Retrieve-Heavy eCommerce website

    Database Design For this kind of system, we can use a Master-Slave Replication model where the master database (primary) handles all the write operations and the slave databases (secondary) handle the read operations. Master-Slave is a controversial term and hence, we will avoid using these terms and we will use Primary-Secondary, or we can call them Read-Replicas… Continue reading

  • Blob URLs for extra security

    Blob URLs for Videos in Stories and other multimedia content is a fantastic choice because of the following reasons: The use of blob URLs provides a secure, dynamic, and optimized multimedia experience for its users while protecting the intellectual property of content creators. Let’s take a look at the following Node.js code that demonstrates how… Continue reading

  • Details from WHOIS IP look up

    This WHOIS lookup result provides details about an IP range owned by Flipkart Internet Pvt Ltd in India. One day, while surfing, I decided to take a peek at one of the remote addresses and when I looked up the IP address, the WHOIS lookup result provided me following information about the IP address… Continue reading

  • SLO, SLA and SLI

    Service Level Objective (SLO) An SLO (Service Level Objective), is the promise that a company makes to users regarding a specific metric such as incident response or uptime. SLOs exist within an SLA as individual promises contained within the full user agreement. Think of an SLO like a promise a company makes to its customers.… Continue reading

  • Offset Explorer and Kafka

    Offset Explorer (formerly Kafka Tool) is a GUI application for managing and using Apache Kafka ® clusters. Offset Explorer a tool or utility that allows you to inspect and manage the offsets of messages within Kafka topics and partitions. It provides an intuitive UI that allows one to quickly view objects within a Kafka cluster as well… Continue reading

  • Publish UI packages using Github Actions

    To run npm run publish and automate the process using GitHub Actions, you can follow these steps: Set up a workflow file Create a workflow file in your GitHub repository’s .github/workflows directory You can name the file something like publish.yml. This file will define the workflow and specify when it should run. Make sure your… Continue reading

  • Mimic Heroku dynos with AKS

    To create a similar setup in your AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) cluster that mimics Heroku dynos, where the instances are active and scale up based on a command and go to sleep when not in use, you can follow these general steps: Continue reading

  • Terraform script for an enterprise-grade VPC with an App Gateway in GCP

    Creating a Terraform script for an enterprise-grade setup requires careful consideration of best practices, security measures, scalability, and modularity. Below is a sample Terraform script for creating a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and an Application Gateway in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Please note that this is just a basic example and should be extended and… Continue reading

  • Technologies that Cloud Providers use

    Cloud providers use a wide range of technologies to offer their cloud computing services. The specific technologies employed by each cloud provider can vary based on their architecture, service offerings, and underlying infrastructure. Below are some of the common technologies and components that cloud providers typically use: Each cloud provider may have its unique mix… Continue reading

  • Create your own App Gateway from scratch

    High-level Overview Outline the functionalities and features you want your App gateway to have e.g. Determine the types of applications it will support e.g., web applications, APIs, and the supported protocols e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP etc. Design the network layer to handle incoming traffic, perform routing decisions, and manage connections. You’ll have to work… Continue reading

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